How to build your own surveillance camera

Surveillance cameras are big business and way too expensive when you want to buy one from a reputable brand. Here's an example: Logitech Alert 750e Outdoor Master Security Camera System with Night Vision currently sells at US$999. In this post I'll show you how to build your own surveillance camera for fun and for way cheaper. Let's get started. For this, you'll need:

  1. a Raspberry Pi 2
  2. a 16GB micro SD card for the Raspberry software
  3. your favorite USB webcam
  4. an Ethernet cable and a router with at least one RJ-45 free LAN slot
  5. And of course a computer with an SD card reader






logfile /var/motion/motion.log
width 1280
height 960framerate 5quality 95

#sdl_threadnr 0

snapshot_interval 360

target_dir /var/motion

snapshot_filename snapshot-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S-%v
picture_filename motion-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S-%v-%q-%v
movie_filename movie-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S-%v
timelapse_filename timelapse-%Y-%m-%d
stream_quality 95
stream_motion on
stream_localhost off